
Monday, December 6, 2010

The Beginning...

Well, here we go! I'm surprised I hadn't put this up earlier, but this is my salvation testimony. How my Father saved my wretched heart and turned me toward Him.

 I had grown up in a christian home, and I knew practically everything about the Bible a 6th grader could know. I went to church Sunday mornings and evening, Wednesday nights, and every activity I could make it to. But really? It was all a habit. It was my lifestyle and I did it all without even thinking about it. The came a time where I realized..."Wow...look at all the things my friends get to have". Y'know, the ones who didn't have to go to church and made fun of me when I talked about it. Then I saw how good it looked. Like really, they get get to wear what they want, listen to what they want, and do what they want. And I wanted it. I wanted to do what they were doing! So I did. I began to listen to some really bad music, which came to an attitude problem. And I did end up doing what I wanted. Not in the ways that they had, but in my own little way, I knew what I wanted, and I was going to try my hardest to get it.

 So along comes summer of 2008. I had been going to Servants Heart Camp since, well a good 5 years at that time, and I loved it! I loved being able to hang out with my friends and play the games and just have a ton of fun! I didn't mind the preaching, but it was definitely not my favorite part. Especially this year. I didn't want to change anything!! Nobody really knew what I was doing, so who cared? The first night (I know! the very first night!) Mr. Shawn Madrid was preaching on the Bridge of Life, and my, oh my was I challenged. I had seen this tract a million times, but only then was I beginning to want to do anything about it. The tears were flowing before he was even halfway through!  I was heartbroken for Christ. He gave His very life for me, so why couldn't I give even the smallest over to Him? How could I be so selfish?? It was very different raising my hand for the invitation. Everyone there though I was saved! They had thought I was living for Christ until then. Until I gave up the fight and let my sins be washed away. Not just covered up, but completely washed away!!

 I went out with Rachelle Fry to talk about what I was going to do that night. I was crying so hard. I couldn've told you why then, but now I know. Because I was almost free. I was so close to giving it all to Christ! Well, I prayed a silent prayer. No, I can't quote what I said back to you. All I remember is it consisted of the basic salvation prayer, and a whole lot of I'm sorrys. But when I opened my eyes, I knew peace. For a long time I had known nothing but hate and fear, but right then? I knew joy, and peace, and happiness! I cannot put into words what I felt that night. I wanted to tell the whole world!

 Well I got inside the Activity Center and we went to tell my junior counselor. Chrystal Dierking, you know who you are! :) She saw me cry, as the words came out that I had accepted Christ! It was the most amazing thing, being surrounded by Christians who wanted to know this and were willing to pray with me right there!! It was so very encouraging to know that I wasn't alone. Because even now, I am still friends with those people, and I have made so many more along the way! I can't even type out how grateful I am for all of you. I don't tell you enough!

 This was only the beginning of my story. God has moved in so many ways, I'm not sure I'll ever finish typing! Every now and then I may continue this story of my life on here, just to let you all know how very great our God is. How He has changed and molded me (and still is!) to be more like Him. No, I'm not even close to where I probably should be, but I am growing. Each day I want to learn something about my God that I can write down  and look back to. I've been doing this for a couple of months now, and wow! The pages upon pages of things I've learned and realized about Him? It's overwhelming!!

 And like I said...
                                              ....this is just the beginning.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Leaders In Training Conference....

Wow! What a way to refresh your heart spiritually! I think we all had a amazing time getting to meet some people as well as being able to catch up with some old friends! :)

 The whole thing didn't work as it had years before, in way of the layout of workshops and sessions. Normally you would choose your workshops and go! But this year we were all focusing on one subject. Purity. Yes, a subject that we should probably talk about more than we do. Because I can tell you, in my own life that is, that it's probably not something we think about everyday. But it really should be! We are daily faced with issues in morality whether in worldly dress, television, and even pressuring friends. We can all be led down that road that ends in misery and breaking of hearts. Purity is a great gift that we have all received that we can give to someone someday. But really, what it comes down to is that none of us are completely pure in every aspect or degree. We will be tempted and tried, and maybe people will pressure us to do or think about things that can hurt us morally. It really is sad what this world has come down to. But we can be free...

 ...because despite all our mistakes, the most amazing part of it all is that, if we let him, God makes us truly pure. In mind, body, and soul! Whether we've made those mistakes or not, God is always ready and willing to forgive! His amazing grace can save from the greatest of sins. He also wants us to become more like Him after this forgiveness. Even though maybe it seems as all others around you pressure you, we have been given all the strength we need to overcome!! We've been given all we need by our Father to be mighty in this world. We simply need to let Jesus work through our trials, our failures, to make us shining lights in a dark world...