
Saturday, May 28, 2011

This Summer....

This summer I have a TON of stuff to do! In a couple of weeks my youth group has a trip up to Servant’s Heart Camp Ministries to help them with their whole camp construction. I’m not completely sure what we’ll be doing, but I am looking forward to it!! I know, I know, it’s WORK, and very and very hard work at that, but I love this camp. I was saved there, I met a ton of friends there when we first moved back to PA, and many of them are still my friends to this day! So working or playing or learning, I love that camp.
 And after that, the week of July 4th, we’re heading down to The WILDS Camp. I went to this camp 2 years ago and last I went to SHCM, but here we go again! :) I love camp any way it comes, so I am most absolutely looking forward to that week! And, since we’re going July 4th, we get fireworks! Which I don’t like to hear, (fact- I am tone sensitive. I do NOT like loud noises: yelling, crashes, fireworks etc. I just don’t like it.) but love to watch. I love the way you never know what pattern is going to come next, and especially the colors. Reds, blues, greens, yellows, you just never know what’s coming. So fireworks are good.
 And after THAT, I will most likely be traveling down to Fort Worth, Texas with my little sister to visit my dad. Pros and Cons are there.  Pros: sunshine, pool, bike, my own yellow room, dog, extreme reading time. Cons: horridly bipolar Texas weather (sunshine, rain, floods, tornados, sunshine), having to fly, considering my unnatural fear of airplanes, I know NO ONE, sad library. The heat can get pretty brutal at times, reaching up to a good 110 on bad days. Of course people expect me to come back with a tan, but the truth is……I don’t tan. Like, ever. So before we even go into that one, let’s move on!
 And after all this, school will begin again, consisting of all my electives, and HOME EC. I am most definitely looking forward to this one, if only to mock it’s advice. I once read a Home Ec. Book that showed like 12 different steps for “perfect” posture while scrubbing the floor. No. So anyhoo,  that will be exciting! I will be cooking, which will be weird for me, because I don’t cook. I bake, and not even that often. My Mom’s a professional cake decorator, what do you expect??? :)
 And in conclusion, I wish you all an AMAZING summer….full of family, and friends, and all the cool summer stuff we wait for for what seems like forever. It’s coming quickly!

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